Let’s suppose you serve a specific niche market. Luckily, you already know several common problems and challenges this market group experiences. However, did you ever think this market has a culture of its own? AND, there are subgroups or segments of your entire market that are already seeking new products that are of little interest to others in your niche that are of a different subgroup culture? Understanding the “segments within the niche” phenomenon means each market segment also speaks their own “subgroup” language as well as the general niche language. You can use SEO in a unique way with these niche subgroups. It is a different approach few marketers use as they clearly figure out how to segment the market for a new product. Why don’t they use this approach? Nobody ever told them about it!
When it comes to the marketing copy, using the right keywords piques the interest of certain market segments. Speaking the right language shows you thoroughly understand what really matters to your market audience. Understanding and working with that which is most important to all your market segments is where SEO can bring you and your ideal prospects together. Using the correct plan, your marketing message can clearly convey you provide the value your market seeks, especially for knowing how to segment the market for a new product.
By marketing and speaking the right SEO language to each segment, you create a specific want for a new service or product. As you also know, SEO is more than just a particular language in your marketing copy. It is a multi-layered process of being seen by your market. This blog post talks mainly about SEO language in the copy. Here’s an example of what I mean.
Suppose one benefit that really matters to one segment of your market audience is convenience. The meaning of convenience varies a little bit from person to person though they all still generally show interest in your niche activity.
Suppose your niche is online dog products and services. So, let’s take this topic specifically to the dogs! Woof! Woof!
Let’s talk about the concept of convenience regarding dog care, buying dog products, payment for dog products found in your online store, etc. The meaning of “convenience factor” for your dog enthusiasts may come in different forms. The different forms or versions of what convenience means to a segment of your target audience can change the reasons each segment buys from you. So, researching what convenience means to your different market segments can actually affect sales conversions.
One segment may perceive convenience as “no limits as to when I can buy your products online.” For this segment you may see these types of buyers as people who do not like being told what to do. This would be one theory to test as you market. After all, everything you do in marketing is an experiment. So, testing your promotions and advertising campaigns is important to serve your market in the WAY they want to be served. “Convenience” may also mean various other things to different segments of your overall market niche. Find out how each segment defines convenience and you might also see a market gap a new product can fill.
How to Segment The Market For A New Product By Providing Real Value
Another way to look at this market segment might also be that this market segment MUST feel a sense of control to feel happy in life. Think about a new product launch and revealing that this new product would then give them a greater sense of control regarding caring for their dogs. Just SAYING the product gives a greater sense of control over (dog health, slowing aging for their dog, a better relationship with the dog, etc.) and showing how there is a greater sense of control can affect sales conversions.
I can continue to give you more examples. However, I think you get the idea. Of course, if you have more questions or comments about this “segment culture” within each segment of your niche market, just contact me through my website contact address. I am glad to help you understand how to segment the market for a new product!