What Good Are Marketing Statistics?

What Good Are Marketing Statistics?

In your current marketing campaign, are you filling a want or a need? If your ads focus on creating desire for a “want” the ad is very emotion driven. Create an ad that talks about filling a need, and it is highly logic driven. However, whether your ad is designed to motivate people to see and buy the value in satisfying a practical need or an emotionally-driven want, you need statistics. By relying on statistics, you increase conversion rates.

Statistics Detail Customer Experience

When visitors come to your website, they are looking for an experience. After all, you are looking to crush a position in your ideal prospect’s mind. In other words, you are looking for ways to sell the invisible. You successfully sell your offers first in the prospect’s mind. Once you connect there on many different levels, that’s when sales happen.

The old adage, “people do not buy for practical/logical reasons but DO buy for emotional reasons” continues to be true today. By creating online marketing materials that appeal to a person’s emotions AND logic for buying, statistics once again drive sales conversion rates.

Consider looking at statistics as the details of the buying experience. Selling happens by telling a good story. That engaging, interesting, unique story showing the value of buying your product or service is a story experience. Tell a memorable sales story and realize you do it using statistics and which usually include demographics.

For example, suppose you are selling snake bite kits. In order to sell this item, you would use statistics and demographics. If your marketing campaign materials do NOT take into consideration your ideal prospect’s statistics and demographics, you may have a zero-conversion rate. Here’s what I mean.

You live in New York City (NYC). You’ve got these snake bite kits that sell well in the Arizona desert. If your ad specifically talks about the poisonous snake problem in NYC, you are not clearly communicating with your ideal prospect. That means, the chances of people buying your product for use in NYC is almost zero. You didn’t do adequate research and are not giving your target audience the experience that makes sense to them.

No matter how much you write sales story scenarios that emotionally drive people to WANT snake bite kits in NYC, you didn’t use the right details. This story demonstrates that using statistics and demographics correctly work to increase sales conversion rates.

PPC Is a Cost and Time Effective Marketing Strategy Based In Statistics

Closely monitored and measured, PPC ads use specific marketing details to continually improve the ad. By first starting out using known information about your ideal prospect, ads are closely monitored and changed as the click rate changes.

PPC can be expensive initially. However, the more your ad sounds like you live in Arizona, live in the desert and know about the rattlesnakes there, the higher your conversion rates. Why do the conversion rates climb? Because your story sounds believable, truthful and reliable to those who really spend time in the desert.

It takes more than just creating a marketing campaign and using what you think are accurate details for your target. It is necessary to test, test, test your ads. Even if you really DO live in Arizona and know about poisonous snakes there, it’s necessary to create the experience in the ad of seeing the VALUE of having a snake bite kit just in case.

If you don’t use the most accurate details for your marketing campaign purposes, similar to the person unprepared for camping in the desert amongst the critters there, your pocketbook might get bit! Don’t make excuses why you shouldn’t spend the money to run an effective online marketing campaign. Do it right from the beginning.

The bottom line here is this; use statistics and demographics to create your ads. It will be the way you employ the most accurate roadmap to the highest possible sales conversions rates and quickly learn what your ideal prospects do or do not want. Once you know what prospects want, give it to them!

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