Do You Speak Facebook Engagement?

Do You Speak Facebook Engagement

In business, we establish relationships with others. We network with people sharing views with like-minded others who see life the way we see it. In marketing and advertising, we share life views using either keywords or common interests. For example, Google Ads uses keywords in its format. So, you pay for clicks by seeing which keywords resonate with your target market. When you succeed at using Facebook engagement, you master understanding what personally matters to your fans via common interests. Be aware of which technique you are using to market your product or service. The keyword technique or the common interests technique can improve sales conversions when used correctly.

Shared/Common Interests and Facebook Engagement

When it comes to successful Facebook engagement, the foundation of your business relationships begins and ends in sharing similar passions or devotions. About what is your target market passionate? What are they devoted to doing well? When you write content, how could you speak “Facebook engagement” clearly to your select group of enthusiasts? By speaking in a storyline.

Situations or scenarios drive storyline content. Tell a compelling story in your social media postings. People relate very well to stories containing relevant ideas. So, when it comes to Facebook postings, share relevant story content. In doing so, you become known as the resource for a particular market.

For example, let’s suppose you sell cybersecurity services. What are some common story scenarios to which your fans might instantly relate? Write the story in a way that gets them thinking about their computer’s health and well being. At the end of the story, suggest something simple they can do to put their mind at ease about a concern. Add your contact information should they need a cybersecurity expert in the future. Here’s an example post:

“You are interviewing for a job over Skype. The potential prospect who might hire you for the job wants to send you a file. You attempt to download the information. For some reason unknown to you, your computer won’t accept the data. Congratulations! Your virus protection program is doing its job.

“The sender suggests that you temporarily turn off your virus protection so you can receive the file. Being a trusting sort, you do so. Success! You can now accept the data. However, could this scenario show you how unscrupulous criminals can hack your information? Don’t know the answer? Check out the Computer Scenario FAQ page found at www dot keep your computer safe dot net to discover the answer.”

See how this post engages and interests a potential prospect? The story describes through the eyes of a potential customer a situation that interests a computer user. Then, you’ve asked them to come to your website to get the answer. You haven’t sold anything. You’ve socially engaged with the reader in a way that could result in the future need for your computer company’s consulting services.

Social Engagement Is NOT Selling

In the sample post above, notice there is no selling. You are sharing a scenario about which your fans can relate. When you share information that helps them solve a problem or achieve a goal, you are building a relationship.

People only buy from those they know, like, and trust. So, being seen as a trustworthy resource is an essential step in relationship development.

When you do what you passionately love doing, building meaningful business relationships is easy. As you focus on sharing information that helps people achieve goals and live their dreams, you can become proficient at Facebook engagement.

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