What’s happening in your business life? You can feel inundated with many business tasks. This can lead to feelings of overwhelm. When you feel overloaded you might become a little “business comatose” as well, feeling immobilized for decision making. Trying to do TOO...
Marketing is passionately engaging with everyone in your market about ways they can add value to their lives. When you passionately inspire, motivate, say and do things that make life better, you have a good marketing strategy that works. Success in your business...
Imagine a prospect coming to your website wanting to buy your delicious barbeque sauce. Because you believe in adding value to your customer’s quest for great barbequing, you offer special package deals on more than 1 bottle. This is an example of adding value to your...
Do you believe in being honest in your business? If you do, your business value core beliefs align with a foundation for a profitable business. If honesty is just one value used in your business foundation, how do you prove honesty (and other values) to be valuable to...
What are the things ALL humans, no matter the time frame in which people live, needs that can be a successful business if done correctly? Believe it or not, figuring out how to find your niche and be successful at it often falls in three categories. These three...
When it comes to your business, YOU see and think of your business as the greatest resource for the problem you solve. However, when it comes to marketing ideas about making it a place for your target market, are your PROSPECTS and CUSTOMERS hanging out there? If not,...
You most easily connect with customers by talking about at least one common interest you share with your target audience. This activity is actually simple. It is similar to what you did when you were a little kid at recess. You just said, “Hey, you want to go swing on...
Have you been easily finding your target audience? If so, you’ve discovered one of the secrets to connecting with customers – don’t talk about you; talk about the customer’s problem and if he or she has found a suitable solution to it. If he or she hasn’t, you can...