In this series of blog posts revealing simple marketing ideas, did you know that your customers love getting and staying organized? They do! A simple marketing activity you can do is create checklists. Checklists help customers and prospects be able to perform tasks...
Do you have a repeatable, measurable customer attracting process in place? If so, marketing ideas like using a process help your business effortlessly succeed. Success should be effortless, right? It can be when you have the right strategy and use it as a process....
Close your eyes for a moment. Recall a fond memory of being someplace where you feel welcome and wanted. You are with others who really understand what matters to you. Read in today’s blog post about using winning marketing ideas. These are essentially ideas that...
People feel more motivated to act when they are in pain than for any other reason. Think like a doctor. Be a diagnostician for your niche talking about common challenges and problems and solutions to them. Simple marketing ideas like thinking like a doctor for your...
People feel motivated to act for various reasons. When it comes to motivating customers to buy, talk to their desire to FEEL happy in a certain situation. How does that happen? By understanding what really matters to them. Motivating Customers Means Engaging...