
Repurposing Your Company Identity

Repurposing Your Company Identity

With changing technology, businesses can either get on board or jump overboard! What is happening with your company regarding market changes? Are you looking at closing your business or can you repurpose your company identity and stay in business? Here are some ideas...

How To Get Natural Workplace Stress Relief

How To Get Natural Workplace Stress Relief

Think for a moment about your job. Oftentimes, people find jobs (compared with careers) stressful. What’s the difference between doing “just a job” to being in a career where work doesn’t feel like work? A job is doing something just to make money. When you only work...

Marketing Ideas – Connecting With Customers

Marketing Ideas – Connecting With Customers

You most easily connect with customers by talking about at least one common interest you share with your target audience. This activity is actually simple. It is similar to what you did when you were a little kid at recess. You just said, “Hey, you want to go swing on...

Marketing Ideas – Finding Your Target Audience

Marketing Ideas – Finding Your Target Audience

Have you been easily finding your target audience? If so, you’ve discovered one of the secrets to connecting with customers – don’t talk about you; talk about the customer’s problem and if he or she has found a suitable solution to it. If he or she hasn’t, you can...

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